Monday, May 01, 2006

Pssst...I got some Sudafed

Ahhh, spring time in Georgia. Everything is in bloom. It’s beautiful but it’s killing me. My eyes itch and burn; my ears feel like they are stuffed with cotton; I sound like a dragon lady and my nose runs at the most inopportune moment. I feel like my Grandmother because I have to carry a tissue with me everywhere I go.

I couldn’t take it any longer so I went to Wally world (aka Wal-Mart) to get some drugs to put me out of my misery. I pick out an antihistamine along with the 40 other people standing in the 2 foot long aisle trying to do the same thing. And I grab a card for some Sudafed. A card, you ask? Yes, a card. There’s a small problem…well, actually a very large problem with people cooking methamphetamine (aka Meth) in rural Georgia. Any time a trailer blows up it’s not because of faulty wiring or a personal heater but from cooking meth (which evidently is very volatile). Sudafed is a necessary ingredient to cook meth so the lawmakers institute a policy that Sudafed must be sold over-the-counter…literally. You take the aforementioned card to the pharmacy counter and they will give you 1 box of Sudafed.

Now, I’m not particularly happy about this new policy but I understand the reasoning behind it and consider it a necessary evil. So I patiently stand in line at the pharmacy counter. I finally get to hand my card to the pretty, young thing behind the counter.
“Can I see your ID?”

I hand it to her. I find it odd but thought maybe the lawmakers decided that Sudafed is now like alcohol and you must be 21 to purchase it. No, she proceeds to inform me that I must now provide my drivers license number, phone number, birth certificate of first born, wildest place I've ever had sex, and favorite brand of toilet paper in order to purchase Sudafed. The State, in its infinite wisdom, will keep this information in a database should they decide to harass me for anything in the future.

The State? The State? Are you serious? You expect me to give my personal information to the state for them for them to sell to the highest bidder....oops! I mean expect them to keep the information safe? I don’t think so. Ok, I realize the state already has this information. Well, most of it. The whole thing is starting to reek of big brother. I always pictured selling my soul to the devil for something really fame, fortune or a flat tummy and perky boobs...not Sudafed.


Blogger Seven said... I'm sitting her wondering which you would rather have...fame, fortune, or a flat tummy and perky boobs.
Does perky mean they sit up high nicely?
Oh yeah, you were talking about Sudafed weren't you.

10:27 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

Yes, Rick, perky means they sit up nicely. Not saline inflated nicely but in bounce a quarter off of them.

10:40 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

To answer the's always flat tummy and perky boobs. I can achieve fame and fortune on my own. With the tummy and boobs, I can marry into fame and fortune.

10:56 PM  
Blogger poet said...

hope the sudafed works for you. what a lot of bother, but i can also see the reasons behind it. what a shame. have a good day

7:12 AM  
Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Go Angie! I'm with you...flat tummy and perky boobs for me too please! :)

I haven't tried to purchase Sudafed lately but on the talk radio show I listen to every day, a woman called in and said that they're also doing this "I.D." check thing here too. Crazy, isn't it??? And kinda sad...

7:29 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

PQ - If they would have a police officer standing by and ask about outstanding warrants, delinquent child support, etc. we could kill several birds with 1 stone.

40spoet - It's a necessary evil but most certainly a pain in the posterior for the law abiding citizen.

8:01 AM  
Blogger Monogram Queen said...

I can see to a certain extent but I think they are taking it too far.
Oh and sign me up for the flat tummy and fortune please!

9:48 AM  
Blogger Grant said...

It's easier to get booze, so just drink your symptoms into submission.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Sudafed...ah, the stuff that clears your sinuses and helps you breathe so much better. Which I'm hoping you are doing at the moment...feeling that much better that is.

Btw, the first paragraph of this post makes you sounds VERY attractive dear, that'll get them all running in your direction lol.

Shame you have to go through all that polava to get what you need but I can understand why they take the precautions..although, surely one look at the condition you were in would be enough for them to hand it over without questions lol

7:01 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

Cakes - Flat tummy and fortune. Check.

Grant - Now, why didn't I think of that?

Lisa - I know...I'm surprised they weren't knocking each other over to get to me! lol

6:48 AM  

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