Friday, June 30, 2006

I'm busy, busy, busy

To my merry bunch of misfits:
I'm a busy little beaver at work today so I leave you with a sexy little video. Since I don't have time to really write a post....feel free to ask random questions if you like. Have a great weekend!


Blogger Seven said...

If I look carefully can I see Uranus?

9:48 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

Uranus is sometimes just barely visible with the unaided eye on a very clear night; it is fairly easy to spot with binoculars (because although Uranus is small it is surrounded by a very LARGE moon). There are several Web sites that show the current position of Uranus but a much more detailed probe will be required to actually find it.

9:55 AM  
Blogger Seven said...

Gentle probe or aggressive probe? Is the moon so large it can hide Uranus?
Not to bug you too much with this one, BUTT after all I am interested in Uranus.

10:51 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

Rick - I am interested in Uranus too, so I understand your need to satisfy your curiosity.

A gentle probe is best when dealing with Uranus. An aggressive probe will aggravate Uranus.

Depending on your position, the moon may be large enough to hide Uranus. Uranus can be properly viewed by standing at a 90 degree angle, effectively removing the blockade of the moon. However, Uranus also has bands of gaseous clouds that blow around rapidly. They are extremely faint and visible only with radical image enhancement.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Phat Girl said...

Thanks for the video! Dierks is so freaky......yummy lips! Have a happy 4th!

12:56 PM  
Blogger Monogram Queen said...

LMAO at Uranus .... Have a great week-end Ang, and a wonderful 4th

1:56 PM  
Blogger Grant said...

I like a couple of the women who work at Umezono. How do I go about asking them out? For that matter, will you ask for me? I'll pay for your lunch.

2:13 PM  
Blogger Seven said...

You said,
"A gentle probe is best when dealing with Uranus. An aggressive probe will aggravate Uranus."

Both statements are quite true in my case though I don't know how you knew that, but I was actually talking about Uranus.

2:51 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

blueeyes - Welcome to my can of worms! Yes, Dierks is yummy. Although I generally go for dark haired fellas, I just want to run my hands through that curly hair!Thanks for stopping by.

Cakes - You're laughing your ass off at Uranus??? I don't quite know what to say (heehee)

7 - I can think of one instance where an aggressive probing would be enjoyable but it has nothing to do with Uranus.....Oh, wait...just thought of another instance but it has nothing to do with Uranus either ;)

3:28 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

Grant - I'm hoping you don't refer to them as Nihon no (what's the fecking word for small!!) usagi in their presence. If you referred to me as a small rabbit, I'm not sure I'd know how to take it either.

Secondly, (and I'm going to get serious here for a minute) you are a very handsome and intelligent man with an awesome sense of humor. Any woman who can't see that isn't worth the time it takes you to pursue her. I'm telling you this because asking women out takes confidence. People, regardless of sex or ethnic background, are attracted to confident people.

There's an old saying "don't poop in your own backyard". If you ask one of these women out and it doesn't go well, will you be able to walk back into Umezono? Think very carefully about that, grasshopper, before making your decision.

I would need to turn this into a post in order to give tips on asking a woman out. But I will be happy to go with you to Umezono so that I can hype your brilliance in the presence of these women (plus I get a free's a win-win situation). Just put some J phrases on cue cards so I don't end up saying something odd like "your chicken needs an umbrella".

3:57 PM  
Blogger Retro Girl said...

That is a sexy to me - I don't watch CMT or listen to country very often...(Maybe I should more?) I mostly heard country songs when going to Karaoke back in KY with TammyJ and her hubby Ron...and some others..

Sounds like a Personal Problem when Uranus is irritated from an aggressive probe. ("Calling Dr. Ruth....") LOL

Random Questions, eh?
Hmmm. Here's one from left field...
Do you associate colors with scents? If so, explain.
Do you associate certain scents with certain people or things? Elaborate...

Enjoy the holiday weekend :-)

4:13 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

(1) I've found some pictures of Uranus on the net. Then again, you can find anything on the net.

If there were no pictures on the net, many people would never get to see Uranus.

(2) Angie, Grant, do you two know each other outside of blogland?
If so I'm envious--of both of you.

(3) My question: what's the fundamental tonic for a Guidonian hexachord?

5:16 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

RG - I'm picky about country music. Not big on the whiny twangy stuff. I'm still thinking about your question.

Xdell - I'm so happy you're back!
(1) Well, you-know-who created the Net for the purpose of showing pictures of Uranus so I'm not surprised.

(2)No, I actually think he might be kidding...although he did offer to pay which is unusual. I chose to answer it seriously because:(a) his method of slowly wearing them down is taking too long, (b) I'm craving Japanese and (c) if he WAS joking the fact that I accepted would scare the bah-jeezers out of him. Since he fancies himself as the master of all that is evil, I found the added irony especially amusing ;)

Now for your question: Quit trying to get me to write your dissertation for you! And hurry up so that you can write your book!

10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wanted to wish you a happy 4th weekend. poet

7:35 AM  
Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Ooo...are you SURE you want us to ask random questions? That could be dangerous! ;)

6:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

My random question: How did the weekend go?

3:51 PM  

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