Monday, June 12, 2006

The Weekend: Frumpy Clothes & Wild Monkey Sex

Before I start this post, let me just clarify that the bar dancing will be done later this summer in North Carolina or possibly Panama City Beach, if that trip falls through. And Micki, because I know you're lurking, let me just say that I may pour tequila down your throat and drag your butt up with me. No worries, Uncle Bob will take pictures...if for no other reason than to blackmail us at the next family function.

Long Weekend Wrap-Up

  1. Much time spent with Mom shopping for something sexy to wear to her upcoming class reunion. Realization that what I think is sexy and what Mom thinks is sexy are 2 different things. There is a "frumpy factor" to contend with. At a certain age your taste turns to clothing that your female friends find attractive. Note to Amy & Micki: Shoot me if I reach this stage and am still unmarried.
  2. Long discussion of Mom's great figure and her un-willingness to show it off. I tried to explain the theory that men are inherently aware that women are naked under their clothing and that clothing that makes the shape of your figure known actually helps them picture your nekkidness which in turn makes you more attractive. Note: I'm not trying to turn my mother into a hoochie but just get her to stop wearing boxy t-shirts just because they have a cute flower pattern on them. She refused to believe that I might have a clue.
  3. Finally saw The DaVinci Code. Great movie and I think easily understandable by those who haven't read the book. Although, knowing the theories behind it and understanding the intricacies of how it all ties together makes the theory more believable. Still good movie on it's merits alone.
  4. Realized that my mom would not make a good beach bum as she cannot vegitate for more than 15 minutes unless it involves sleeping. Now searching for a way to convince her to relax more often.
  5. Breakfast with my grandmother and my grandather's remaining sister and brother. They love to gather for breakfast when I'm in town. I love that they want to spend time with me and enjoy listening to their stories. Besides, they remind me of my grandfather who I miss very much. For being in their 70s & 80s, they are still very active. I can only hope that I maintain their zest for life when I reach that age.
  6. Listened to Mom chastise my aunt for staying out until 4 a.m. because "nothing good can happen after midnight". Explained the concept of staying out until bar close & then heading to Waffle House (or Denny's in this case) to stave off the hang-over. She is convinced that the phrase "stayed out until 4 a.m. talking at Denny's" equals "I had wild hot monkey sex with someone I picked up in a bar".
  7. Spent an evening with my old friend, Vince, talking and laughing over homemade pasta & too much beer. Did something that I swore I wouldn't but don't regret and now I don't know how I feel. Very possibly proved Mom's point since I didn't make it home until 3 a.m.
  8. Realized that I need to spend less time analyzing the choices I make and more time enjoying life.
  9. Made acutely aware by Mom that, at 35, I'm still not too old to be scolded by my mother and that there are rules in her house. See #7.
  10. Reminded Mom that some day she will be old and need taken care of and if she doesn't want to end up with my brother she might want to loosen the rules in her house a bit.
  11. Spent airplane ride home trying to sleep while seated next to the most annoying mother/son combo I have ever met. It was very obvious that at 45, he still let his mother rule his life. I had to lay down some rules when she started picking lint off my yoga pants.
  12. Spent tram ride from the concourse to baggage claim repeating "Oooo, Grant would like her" in my head. It seems that Monday is J-usagi day in the Atlanta airport.

That's the wrap-up of my long weekend. Missed you all bunches!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad you had a great long weekend with family. i have made a new page, drop by
i have you added in my blogroll. have a great day.

7:25 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

Jackt - Not necessarily a bad thing as long as you take time to relax. She doesn't. I'm afraid at some point it will drain her battery.

Poet - Thanks. Already made my way over. Love the new site!

10:27 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

(1) The bar dance sounds fun, as long as you don't hurt yourself. But if you do hurt yourself, line up a number of local attorneys now, while you have time.

(2) Can you believe I have yet to see the Da Vinci Code? Yet, for some reason, I went to see Al Gore in An Inconvient Truth last Saturday.

(3) I'm sure you'll figure out how you felt about "it" eventually. That's honestly your call.

(4) As to the scolding by your mother. Perhaps it would be a good idea to do some volunteer work with mom on your next trip, preferrably at a nursing home.

(5) Lemme get this straight: a strange woman was picking lint off of YOUR clothes? If that's the case, I wouldn't be too hard on that son.

(6) Welcome back to us. We missed you too.

11:32 PM  
Blogger Seven said...

Very entertaining AND informative. I'm wondering how old your Mom is? I have friends (couples and women friends) in their mid-fifties and i am often mortified by their choice of clothes (particularly the women) and their 'stuck in my era' mentalities.
The shirt with the flower pattern thing made me LOL....I recognized some friends.

7:48 AM  
Blogger Monogram Queen said...

Angie you give a GREAT rundown I really enjoyed it. And Hey, it may be hard but do your best to just enjoy things and not over-analyze. I tend to do that too but i'm working on it. Whoo HOO for hot wild monkey sex!

7:55 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

X - (1) really, I'll probably come back in a full body cast :P
(2) Hmmm, was it any good?
(3)Decided not to worry about it.
(4)Oooo, that's a good idea.
(5)She seemed like a very demanding type of person. I had to explain the rules of personal space to her..."this arm rest to this arm rest is my space" *shudder*
(6) Awww, thanks ;)

Rick - She's 4 years older than you! It's funny she can be hip in some aspects but firmly 'stuck in her era' in others. Years ago, when she first realized I wasn't in a hurry to get married she told me she didn't care if I got married as long as I provided a grandchild - which is pretty progressive thinking. But yet, she refuses to show ANY cleveage in public. It's funny where our moral/social boundaries lie.

8:05 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

Cakes - Exactly the conclusion I came to. As women, I think we tend to over-analyze everything. Hmmm, may have to post about that some day.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I have done that "Denny's" thing SO MANY times in my past! ;)

And I am right there with you on is too damn short to spend it analyzing everything!

8:09 AM  
Blogger TammyJ said...


#1 had me rolling.. my mom and I used to shop together.. I was a really late baby for her.. so our tastes vary wildly.. as a teenager I was constantly reminding my mom that " Poodle Skirts and Oxfords" were seriously overrated in the 50's.. I still have a hard time shopping for clothes.. I still see myself at 170lbs heavier.. and my daughters are constantly steering me away from the plus sizes and into the juniors.. Have a great day


9:54 AM  
Blogger Retro Girl said...

*Chuckling* Dontcha love shopping with moms? My mom went thru this thing for a couple years, where she wouldn't buy or wear a shirt unless it had a collar, and she had to have every color dockers ever made, with a matching short sleeved button down shirt that has a pattern (plaid, flowered, stripes) with a collar of course! Yikes! And they try to pick out stuff for you - and you have to be nice when you say..."Um well, I don't think that mint green 2 piece dress-thing with the lace-trim peter pan collar is quite my thing, Mom". *Shuddering*

Ya know--life is too short to worry about the small stuff..I agree with Patti-Cake..don't sweat it..Just take things for what they are...and move on.. (To the next Adventure!)

There is merit in sitting in Denny's, or Waffle house at 3 or 4am with your half-drunk friends. Many a good stories arise, great one-liner jokes, and epiphanies occur there...LOL

10:09 AM  
Blogger Grant said...

Monday is Nihon no usagi day at the airport. Good to know. :p

11:20 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

PQ- Mmmm, nothing better than greasy hash browns after a long night of drinking!

Tammy - The funniest part is hearing her complain when she takes my grandmother clothes shopping! I want to tape record her and play it back when we go. You lost 170 lbs? Way to go!!!

RG - I think it's one of the rites of passage of daughter-hood. "Embarrassing clothes my mother bought me"

Heehee...many "inside" jokes have their roots in a WH/Denny's late night excursion!

Grant - what does Nihon mean????

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girl, glad you are back:) Can you please please pour Jack down my throat, you know I don't like Jose:) After a few shots and beer you know we will all be on that bar.

8:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I too can't sit still for more than a few minutes...and since I haven't mastered the art of sleeping while being seated I am rarely still unless I am lying down and asleep.

9:09 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

Micki - heehee, now that's a Waffle House story! Yes, will pour Jack down you instead!!

SJ - You have some work to do. My mom can sleep while seated, standing up, and sometimes I think driving! Glad you're back!

9:43 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

Actually, it was about as entertaining as a filmed lecture could possibly be (with some self-promotion thrown into the mix). Certainly informative.

12:25 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

I don't think there's anything I can add to this that hasn't already been said. No offence to your Mum but boxy tees with a flower print on them are going to age her way faster than she needs. Maybe she's scared of looking like the proverbial "mutton dressed as lamb"? I'm not in any way implying that that's what you were trying to achieve, but only that it could be where her mind is. She needs to have some faith in her daughter's dress sense and allow you to help dress her as the classy, sexy woman she sounds to be.

As far as no. 7 is concerned, I think there is always going to be something we do at some stage that will make us wonder how we feel about it. Over analysing is what we're good at, and sometimes in a bad way, if you get my drift lol

As one of my favourite readers says "Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!" Just make sure you wear enough combat gear to remain unharmed lol

6:56 PM  

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