Sunday, July 23, 2006

Chopsticks & Blogpals

I've never used chopsticks before. Basically because, although I can throw a ball from right field to home plate, I never mastered the hand eye coordination required for actually putting food in my mouth using 2 wooden sticks. As if I wasn't nervous enough about meeting my first blogger in the real world, it was kicked up a few notches when the waitress at Umezono brought the salad and chopsticks. Did you catch that? No Western utensils of any kind, just 2 wooden sticks. Luckily, I had the master of Asian culture, Grant, present to teach me how to use them. And, in grand American fashion, I completely gave up after 2 pieces of tomato and a piece of lettuce and begged for a fork like the heathen I am.

Otherwise, the meal and the meeting went very well. The food at Umezono was very good and the waitresses seemed very friendly (no wonder he has a crush on some of them). What was that? You want to know about Grant? Well, sit down...I don't want this to shock you...Grant really doesn't have horns, a tail and carry a pitchfork like many of you may picture after reading his blog. He was very much as I expected...intelligent and funny. And I suspect, under that "I'm a guy give me a grenade so I can blow something up" persona lies a very caring person. Of course, it could just be that the intelligent, funny personality had control that day.... (I couldn't leave everyone thinking you were a big softie, could I?)

After the meal we toured the Asian market next door where Grant introduced me to some of the foods he posts about frequently. [The Pocky (a lightly sweetened stick shaped cookie with frosting) rules! I'm just glad I didn't buy the chocolate ones or I would have eaten the entire box in one setting.] Then we saw Pirates 2 where Grant learned not to ask me loaded questions like, "you don't talk incessently during the move, do you?" My answer will always be yes...whether I do or not is unimportant. Is it me or did Captain Jack sashay more this time?

All in all, I had a lot of fun and it sounds like I may meet more bloggers next weekend. Woohoo!Now, I'm off to practice holding my, that sounded bad didn't it?


Blogger Unknown said...

Looks like everybody is meeting Grant these days. And yep I did suspect he was a softie under all those multiple shells.

Looks liek you could be the next Asian (junk) food expert. Looks like you had a good time anyway.

Shld that sound bad?

11:40 PM  
Blogger NWJR said...

I usually get frustrated and start stabbing my food with the chopsticks. Then I pick up a fork and eat my food that way.

8:14 AM  
Blogger Seven said...

Are you posting from Grant's basement? Just nod your keyboard for yes. Help is on the way.

8:33 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

SJ - Yes, but will you still save me from the Giant Atomic Chickens?

nwjr - I found that to be the case too. Hopefully, I'll figure them out soon. I think it has something to do with being a leftie. At least that's usually what I blame difficulties on.

7 - **nods keyboard vigorously** Actually, it's not bad and Kira and Annush keep me company but he only feeds us rice...please send cheeseburgers....

8:39 AM  
Blogger Grant said...

Excellent - the robot clone is in place and everyone is none the wiser. That's one redhead, one blonde, a Latino, and this weekend I'll add a Frenchman and maybe a Hawaiian to the mix. All I need now is an Asian hottie and my set will be complete.

9:10 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

You didn't tell me we get men. Can I place an order or is this like the Soup Nazi and I have to take what you give me? Wait...what kind of experiment are you performing here??? You don't have a costume that looks like a little green man with big dark eyes do you? :P

9:31 AM  
Blogger Monogram Queen said...

Ah I was right! I knew it! I knew it! I would have asked for a fork too and would have loved to been a fly on the wall .... ;)
Hey when I get a chance to come to Atlanta I want to eat at Umezono w/ both of you! And I want those cookies... bad... I am a frosting whore.

9:41 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

Cakes - I'd love to meet you...anytime you're going to be down this way just holler. And I'm a frosting whore too...we should start a support group :)

10:58 AM  
Blogger madameplushbottom said...

Sounds like you had a grand time! Meeting bloggers if great fun - we would all benefit from doing that more, in my not so humble opinion.

9:35 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

Doc - Do you want to be a frosting whore or trapped in the basement? Your wish is my command.

Da Girl - Welcome & thanks for stopping by. It is fun. I wish I could meet more of them.

9:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yep saving you from the G.A Chickens is guaranteed. You can rest easy now.

3:23 AM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

(1) You can throw a ball from right field to home plate? As I said before, Angie, the Reds need relief pitching.

(2) I've seen people so facile with chopsticks that they can eat soup with them. I don't think I'll ever get to that degree of dexterity, but I think I might have been able to manage the salad.

So can you. Practice, practice, practice.

(3) It's so cool that you and Grant got to hang out. Kinda makes our cyber community a little more like a meatspace one--especially since you both enjoyed the evening.

(4) Angie, that wasn't Grant in costume as a grey alien. That was me, uncostumed.

(5) SJ, you say that you will save Angie from the GA chickens. I think, however, that since Angie actually lives in GA, she might be in a better position to save you.

2:02 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

X -
(1) I might consider it since Marge left.
(2) I know, I know, I know
(3) No! I refuse to believe that my piece of cyberspace will be turned into a meat market.
(4)I had my suspicions that it was you! Please bring cheeseburgers next time.
(5)GAC stands for Giant Atomic Chickens which is how Grant thinks the world will end. Don't only encourages him.

3:32 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

X - Just realized you said you weren't in costume....I refuse to believe that!!!

5:41 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

Um, Angie, I rmember SJ's GA chicken post. I was making a joke. Not a good joke. But a joke.

And check. Next time, remember cheeseburgers. Onions?

1:31 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

X - I forgot you were involved in that rather lurid discussion. Sure, pile the onions's not like anyone will be kissing on me!!!

9:30 AM  

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