Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I had been in the midst of chaos all morning. Busy speculating over what if. Wondering if things would turn out as I hoped. Unable to stop the thoughts that scrambled through my head…what if this…what if that…Oh God, then….when an epiphany stopped me in my tracks. I had created my own problem. The only thing I knew for certain lay in front of me. The next step depended upon an answer and until I received it I was at a standstill. My brain, unable to actually stand still, traveled 3 steps ahead of the situation. Thus my discombobulation, as it played out every possible scenario.

What exactly was I worrying about? I had very little control or influence over the situation. Tormenting myself about the possibilities that lie ahead wasn’t going to make the answer arrive quicker and it wasn’t going to change the final outcome. Either it would turn out as I desired or it wouldn’t. Plain and simple. Freed from my aggravation, suddenly my thoughts composed themselves in a rather orderly fashion.

I advise my friends constantly to not spend time anguishing over what if but rather to deal with what is when it actually occurs. Obviously, I need to practice what I preach more effectively. Now, if I could only apply this to my love life..........


Blogger Monogram Queen said...

Honey you're a woman and your'e going to anguish over matters of the heart whether you want to or not!

11:30 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

Maybe one day science will allow us to remove that and the necessity to cry when frustrated from our genetic code!

11:59 AM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

Actually, my genetic code poses a few problems, but none that I am unaware of.

I don't think women have a lock on anguishing over matters of the heart.

Whatever it is, I hope you are well and continue to be well.

12:21 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

X - I'm as perfect as I always am, lol =) Just a little confused yesterday. That's what happens when our minds run away...luckily I caught mine before it completely got loose.

And you're absolutely right. Men anguish over matters of the heart, too. Women are just usually more vocal about it...that's why we scream so much. ;)

12:51 PM  
Blogger Seven said...

Ever wondered 'what if' you actually accomplish this? Kinda like looking in a mirror at a mirror?
Oh ...never mind....hugs

1:01 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

7 - Really? Trying to confuse the feeble minded? Adding insult to injury? lol. Wait, I have 3 more questions before I push you over the edge, right? Hugs back :)

1:38 PM  
Blogger NWJR said...

I had a thought once, but I put it out of my head immediately.

Then I had an idea, but it died of loneliness.

I have no clue what will happen next.

3:22 PM  
Blogger Rick said...

You got it right... it will, or it won't. Ever notice how 99% of the stuff we worry about never happens? Think about it. Then forget the other 1%. It will, or it won't.

7:47 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

nwjr - lol. "I have no clue what will happen next"...that's my favorite part!

nike - I hope you're saying that you're a hopeless romantic. I'm hopeless but far from a romantic. I believe romance died the day the first caveman loosened his leather strap and stuck his hand down his fur after the big T-rex meal. Thanks for the compliment & thanks for stopping by!

Rick - Xactly! Worrying about 'what if' is just time wasted.

9:32 PM  

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