National Nude Recreation Week
Amended Post
I threw the original post on this subject together in a hurry because well, Nude Recreation Week was almost over before I ever knew that it existed. I realized later that I had really shortchanged not only the purpose of the occasion but my own feelings on the subject by abbreviating the post. So, if you read this post and commented yesterday…get over it and read it again. :P
AANR created Nude Recreation Week to promote understanding of the nudist lifestyle. And contrary to popular belief, it’s not a mass orgy. Personally, I’ve always been intrigued by those who practice it. I think it would promote positive self-image by teaching you how to be comfortable in your own skin. Think about it. When we look in the mirror we tend to focus on every imperfection in our bodies. We see the extra pounds, the wrinkles, and one ear that’s a little higher than the other. We spend hours buying clothes, creams and lotions in an attempt to hide those imperfections from others. Now, imagine you’re in a room full of people. Everyone, including you, is naked. And guess what? Not one person is pointing at your abundant bootie or potbelly and laughing. Want to know why? Because their abundant booties and potbellies are visible too. What could be more freeing than that?
So, if you get a chance this weekend, take off your clothes and clean the house naked. You'll create a positive self-image and reduce your stress. And I’m pretty sure your significant other with appreciate it too.
Original Post
This is National Nude Recreation Week. Who knew? I really think participation would skyrocket if they'd put a little more publicity around this occassion. Fortunately, I've decided to help them out by making you all aware. You really have to love America if for no other reason than the fact that we have the coolest national celebrations!
I think I'm going to participate by nude sunbathing. It's too hot to participate in any outdoor activities this week. Well, except maybe water activities, but I get the feeling nude water skiing might hurt a little. Besides, I don't like little fishies nibbling at me when I'm wearing a bathing suit. I really don't think I'd enjoy it any better when I'm not wearing one.
So how do you plan to participate?
Can I participate as a spectator wherever you are participating? Please!!!!
As it happens, underneath all of my clothes, I am completely nude right now. BTW, that's also how I view all women.
Might do a little nude sunbathing myself!
and Grant ... all? alL? ALL?
SJ - long as you bring bail money. I figure it will take approx. 5 minutes for my neighbors to call the cops to have me arrested for indecent exposure. Bonus: you'll get to tell all your friends what American jails look like.
Grant - What a coincidence! I too am completely nude under my clothes right now. I have to try viewing all men that way. It does explain why men greet me by saying hello to my breasts.
Cakes - Go for it! I'm sure Stacy would approve.
And yes, I questioned Grant's statement as well. All women???? See that's why I think x-ray vision wouldn't work unless you have a way to turn it off.
Well, I don't actively envision it unless I find the woman attractive, but I am aware that at all times there's just a few thin layers of fabric between my body and the women around me.
i'll support the cause by watching you nude sunbathe Angie. ;) who knows, i may even join you. ;)
Blogger lost my fecking comment! Grrrr!
Grant - I'm glad to hear that you can turn it off. Otherwise, I'd be a little difficult at times. And that's a very seductive statement. I'm glad to know that you're just as eloquent when using your words for good rather than evil.
JD - C'mon, join in. I'll give you a towel to cover certain areas. eeeewww...bad sunburn thoughts.
The Major and Minor leagues both held their All-Star Games this week. Seems they missed a golden opportunity to celebrate this week.
I've thought of some interesting activities for this week, though:
(1) Jumping rope
(2) Paintball
(3) Mechanical bull riding
(4) A concert in the park (if nude, the maestro could conduct some very interesting polyrhythms)
(5) A good old-fashioned pissing contest, with bonus points given for accuracy
(6) Dodgeball
(7) Picketting (get rid of tanlines and help the environment at the same time)
(8) Horseback riding
(9) Motorcyble riding
(10) An outdoor church service.
I don't know if I'd participate in any of the above pursuits. Nevertheless, I would research them thoroughly in my general analysis of popular culture.
BTW, when men say hello to your chest, does it every return the greeting?
X -
(1) I'd have black eyes
(2) Ouch!
(3) seductive if done slowly
(5) no fair, I can't join!
(6)only good if you actually dodge the ball.
7-10...good imagination. motorcycle riding would be ok as long as you were careful of windburn! Yee-ouch!
I don't know about returning the greeting but they have been known to salute ;)
I have been a nudist since 21 years old and traveled to resorts all over the country. The national organization known as AANR started the nude week thing about ten years ago to create public education and discourse. Unfortunately it has too often been met by radio dj's and newspaper columnist with sophmoric teetering, giggling and ignorant jokes worthy of 13 years olds.
The idea that we can go nude in the sunshine without a mass orgy being associated with it is foreign to nearly all americans.
If you visit the AANR website (amend your post with the link) your readers can become knowledgable about the realities of nudism. Its real. Its healthy. And its flat out fun and freeing. By the way, its Parrothead Weekend at Cypress Cove in Kissimee Florida..Love ya..
7 - I threw this post up quickly because the week is almost over and I didn't know about it until today. The more I thought about it tonight I realized I really didn't convey my own feelings about it and was actually in the midst of a re-write when you commented. Return later for the full version. Thanks for the link. *smooches*
Applause for the re-write
Nude applause
Smiling and lovin ya
7 - Thank you very much ;) Since I'm working from home today the thought has crossed my mind to work sans clothing just to see if the stress release angle is true. However, I fear it will work too well and I'll begin answering the phone, "Dude, what up?". We'll see. I may get gutsy this afternoon. Much love. Tell Beth I said to give you a big hug from me.
Gees. Disappointing it's not one big orgy....
But I do agree it would be quite liberating to participate. I'm sitting here naked as I type. Getting into the spirit. Woohoo!!!
Denny - Most nudist I've talked to say the same thing. I'm not sure I'll ever work up the nerve to actually go to a resort. But, given the sexual focus of our society today, I think it's an interesting concept that men and women can be nude in the same vicinity, without sexual undertones to the experience. That in itself has to be freeing.
Cherry - Go, Cherry, go! I'm sure Italians are more tolerant of a nudist lifestyle than our uptight society.
I'm sure my friends that read this post will think I've lost my flippin mind.
You mean I have been cleaning in the nude all these years and now there is an organization telling me it's ok?.. geesh..
Have a great day
Tammy J.
I love the big open green lawn at Live Oak. Don't know why, I guess it feels like somebody's really big front yard or something.
Tammy - I applaud your courage. Dammit, that's it! I'm taking my clothes off for the rest of the day. Well, at least until I go to the gym...
Rick/Denny - I think you should turn off anonymous comments and do a random question day about the nudist lifestyle/resort experience. Maybe it's just me but I'm curious to learn about your experiences.
I'm overloaded right now with work and headed to a track meet in Austin for the weekend, but I can do it at the 'other' site next week if you really want to. It might take an push from your site to drive respondents over there or maybe Denny will do it on his regular site.
Coolest word verification of the day on this one: slxoo
Ha; like sloooow kissin
Rick - It was just an idea. Maybe sometime in the future.
And because it worked the last time, "Run, Forrest, Run"!!!!!!!
With all the freaks around here...the only place I'll nude sunbathe is in a tanning bed..or on my bathroom floor, under my giant skylight lol...(I'm shy!)
I've never been big on wearing clothes in the house...(Unless it's cold...brrr)....Just gotta be careful when
RG - I've never been big on wearing clothes around the house either. lol @ ironing.
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