Random Question Friday Wrap-Up
Answers to some of the random questions left over from Friday.
Retro Girl asked if I associate color with scent and if I associate any person with a particular scent. I don't think I associate color with scent as much as I associate color with taste. Did you ever try that blue ketchup that they made a few years ago? My mind focused in on the fact that blue = blueberry and ketchup should not taste like blueberrys. It tasted like ketchup which blew my mind further. As far as the scent/people association, yes, I do. The only thing that comes to mind right now is this guy in the gym last week. He is an older man but very well cut. I walked past him while he was getting a drink of water. Well, all I can say is dude....WASH YOUR GYM CLOTHES.
SJ asked how the weekend went. Well, I'm still on it (I'm off work until Tuesday due to the holiday) but so far so good.
Retro Girl asked if I associate color with scent and if I associate any person with a particular scent. I don't think I associate color with scent as much as I associate color with taste. Did you ever try that blue ketchup that they made a few years ago? My mind focused in on the fact that blue = blueberry and ketchup should not taste like blueberrys. It tasted like ketchup which blew my mind further. As far as the scent/people association, yes, I do. The only thing that comes to mind right now is this guy in the gym last week. He is an older man but very well cut. I walked past him while he was getting a drink of water. Well, all I can say is dude....WASH YOUR GYM CLOTHES.
SJ asked how the weekend went. Well, I'm still on it (I'm off work until Tuesday due to the holiday) but so far so good.
- Saturday morning was checked out by hot dude in the gym.
- Picked up mulch at Home Depot where I spotted ex with his new size 2 girlfriend. Laughed at the fact the she now has to put up with his antics.
- Fed chocolate pie by a 20 month old. LMAO! I had chocolate all over me. Anyone want to lick it off???
- Made fun of skanky blonde while watching NASCAR
- Stung in the head by flying insect. Did I ever mention how much I HATE flying insects? Yes, it hurt. Yes, it's better now.
- Had mix of vodka, blue caricao, sprite & triple sec which I refer to as Aruba coolers because that was the first place I had it. (helped with flying insect sting)
- Looking forward to cook-outs with hunky BIL of best friend. Dayum, that boy is fine! Recently, out of military. Have I ever mentioned my LOVE of men in uniform? Too bad he's so young....that just means he can be trained, right?
The PQ, who I have missed dearly, asked if I was sure I wanted random questions. Yes, dear. Although they can be scary they are mostly fun to answer. I had an entire conversation about Uranus....what could be scarier than that? Well...not Uranus. I'm sure Uranus is nice.
Catch ya'll on Wednesday. Have a great 4th.
Yummm licking off chocolate from a sweet gal. Nice!!
and nice new pic BTW
*Chuckling over this post*
I associate colors with scents...some perfumes smell Pink, while others smell blue...(weird, but it makes sense to me..lol. I'm a freak what can I say)...
No no sweetness. Our Uranus conversation was not complete! I was just getting started.
The flying insects thing is a phobia of my 25 yo son. It's funny cuz he is 6-1, 210 of solid muscle and all-male sensibilities. He sees a wasp or bee headed his way and starts running like a little child. I half expect him to squeal.
I know you were happy that Tony won at Daytona :)
and a big Hell Yeah to getting checked out at the gym AND the hunky young BIL it DOES mean he can be trained (my hubs is younger than me so I KNOW of what I speak)
I loved your random questions, maybe i'll do that one soon. Have a great 4th Stormy
SJ - glad I could make your day! Also, glad you like the photo. See, I can clean up!
RG - Hmmmm, I'm wondering if others make the same associations?
You're not a freak, just unique :)
7 - If I ever make it to Dallas, we will stand outside one night & look at Uranus together.
I have male friends who feel the same way about spiders...of any size. They suddenly become sissy girls with that high pitched scream. It's too funny.
Cakes - Yes and rather glad he didn't wreck anyone to do it. I'm a little upset with the way he's been driving lately. Also, glad Jr. won Friday night.
Glad to know they can be trained. Try random questions one day. It challenges you but I think it's a lot of fun.
In case I don't get back here....Happy 4th everyone & please have a safe holiday!!!!
and does purple smell like grape popsicles? liked your post angie. hope you have a good holiday weekend. enjoy your time off and i look forward to the next witty post
Poet - Helloooooooo (said in Seinfeld voice). Yes, purple does smell like grape popsicles (to me anyway). I'm glad you think I'm witty....most just think I'm weird. I like witty better. I've been remiss in my blog reading but I hope to catch up tonight!
How romantic!
Angie, what you're describing with the blue ketchup and all is called "synesthesia," and it's not that uncommon. Click here if you're curious.
I wouldn't dismiss a young guy out of hand, if I were you. Young guys can do it all night. Exactly what they're doing, they couldn't tell you. But they'll do it anyway. That's why training is necessary. I suggest a rolled-up newspaper.
BTW, you sound as if you're spending a little too much time at Home Depot.
X - thank you. I knew there was a word for it but couldn't think clearly (damn vodka).
lol@ your description of young men...very true. I prefer an experienced lover but the rolled up newspaper may work nicely. If not, the baseball bat is still beside my bed, lol.
Yes to HD but it's close to my house. Almost finished with the yard now so my visits should slow down. I think people were starting to assume I worked there!
7 - Yes, you, me & Beth gazing at Uranus on a moonlit nite. Sounds nice, no?
happy 4th hon. love the new profile pic. but you already know that. :) men in uniform, woohoo, i have a chance... ;)
JD - Happy 4th to my favorite pilot. Yes, I knew, but it's always nice to hear it again. Feel free to say it as much as you want. Every day around 3 pm would be good for me ;)
3 pm it is. yeah, that smile does it for me. ;)
As far as the colour/scent thing is concerned...the only colour I relate to scent is the smell of Blue Stratus...it reminds me of my Dad lol
Cool post, enjoyed reading that. Hope you had a great 4th!
oops, forgot to say how much I like your new photo, VERY nice :)
JD - Ummm, you're late....I'm not sure what "it" is but I think I'm glad my smile does "it" for you ;)
Lisa - Hi! I think it's easier to associate people with scent. Thanks for the compliment.
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