Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Solving World Hunger

You thought I was joking about solving world hunger, didn’t you? I know. It’s ok. I do have an idea and I’m sure someone with actual technical knowledge will come along and blow my theory to bits but at least I’m trying.

Seeing as there’s an obesity crisis of epidemic proportions in the U.S. and an issue with hunger in under-developed nations around the world, I struggled with a solution that would solve both problems. And I’ve finally found it. Doctors remove fat cells from people all the time. It’s called liposuction. So, why can’t they remove fat cells from the obese people in the U.S. and other developed nations and then inject them into starving people in under-developed nations? I mean fat burns into energy, right? Supposedly, that’s why I spend time logging 4 miles a day on the treadmill, bike and elliptical machine. And since we, in the U.S., only have 3 food groups…cow, french fries, and frappachino, there’d be a never ending supply of fat. I’d gladly give my stomach and thighs away to help the hungry. (Notice I didn’t say breasts…the girls stay just the way they are. Added bonus, after the liposuction I’ll look like a short Pam Anderson…heehee) Of course, those poor once-starving people will have cholesterol levels of 800+, but hey, I can’t solve every problem.

On a serious note, I went to the grocery last night. No, I didn’t practice eye contact. There were no men in the store and I’m not glaring at the women just to do research for you guys. If there’s such an obesity epidemic in this country can someone please explain why grapes are $1.70 a pound but I can buy a box of macaroni-n-cheese and a pound of hamburger (an entire meal) for a mere $3? A pound of hot dogs (beak & hoof variety) is $1 but fresh salmon is $3/lb. Is it any wonder why we’re obese? If you’re on any type of a fixed income you can’t afford to eat healthy. I’m not posing a solution; I’m just emphasizing the problem. I don’t see how anyone can expect the obesity epidemic to be controlled until the pricing of healthy food becomes affordable for all to consume.

Tomorrow...freaky sex tips or car salesman. I haven't decided yet. Just typing freaky sex tips in this post should increase my blog traffic x10. :P


Blogger Cherry! said...

I have often wondered the same thing. They want obesity to decrease but it's more expensive to eat healthy food. Where's the logic in that? I don't get it.

5:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

food for thought here, ang. hope you have a good wednesday. poet

8:09 AM  
Blogger Retro Girl said...

I agree...the price of groceries is already high for most items, but for healthier items it's outrageous. (Demand is high, so prices skyrocket...) Really good observation and food for thought.

Um as for the Fat Transfer program--I'll donate! lol.

9:12 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

Cherry - I know and I have a very hard time comprehending illogical situations. It just seems to be more logical that if you reduce the price of healthy food, you'll attract the average consumer and thus, increase the overall health of nation. I'm assuming Italy has the same pricing problem?

Poet - pun duly noted :) Happy Hump Day to you too!

RG - Yes, and I understand the economics of supply and demand and that interfering would probably throw the economy into a tailspin. I think I've just had my fill of hearing how fat we Americans are but yet no one wants to seem to fix the underlying issues.

lol@ fat transfer program. Glad you understood. I was afraid someone would accuse me of being insensitive.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Grant said...

You have to pay more for healthy foods because it's cheaper to manufacture chemical-laden crap. I buy all my food at Harry's Farmers Market so I can avoid pesticides and unnatural chemicals and stuff, and the prices reflect that - salmon is usually around $10/pound, and the really expensive fishes and free-range beef near $20/pound. In our society, you have to pay to do without.

I think the world hunger problem could be solved if we execute criminals by grinding them into free meatloaf for the poor.

9:49 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

Grant - I never understood the concept of free-range beef. It's not like those cows are kept in little pens. Although, if they're drug-free that's a different story. I personally believe that steriod laden chicken is the reason for the increase in non-augmented hooter size in women. Eat more chicken...get bigger boobs. Chik-fil-a should use this as their slogan.

I agree with your solution to world hunger. We could add sauted road kill as a side dish. Ah, if only you and I ruled the world we could solve all of it's problems :P

10:08 AM  
Blogger Monogram Queen said...

I'll definitely contribute to the Fat Transfer Program but they ain't touching my girls either!

Grant I am gagging just thinking about the meatloaf. Augh.

10:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

lmao. great post hon. sex tips, too funny. how's the car search going, btw?

12:45 PM  
Blogger Enemy of the Republic said...

I watched a movie on Mother Teresa last night who was shocked at the display of food at the Nobel Peace Prize, thinking that it could feed how many children....one day I want to do a post on world medicine. Good one, Angie. Forgive me for not visiting more. You have a great blog.

2:37 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

Cakes - lol...no one touches the girls without express consent! It makes you think twice about eating at Grant's house doesn't it? :P

JD - What...you don't think I can give sex tips??? lol. The car hunt? I'm pulling my hair out one strand at a time. Tune in tomorrow.

EOTR - Thanks! I like your blog too. I promise to try to get over there more...it just seems like there aren't enough hours in the day!!

3:05 PM  
Blogger Seven said...

How bout freaky sex tips for dealing with car salesmen?
I went to the grocery store yesterday and Salmon was $7/lb in Texas....I guess Georgia salmon is cheaper
But while I was there I thought I would try out the eye contact thingy...Here was the problem, first female weighed 300lbs. Ditto second female, ditto 3rd female on and on thru 20 straight and I AM NOT KIDDIN...liposuction convention....GAAAHHH they could feed the continent of Africa from one grocery store of US women...and I am NOT KIDDIN...WTF? is up with US women and the fat thing!

5:46 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

7 - Actually, I was guessing on the price of Salmon. I buy the bourbon marinated fillets so I have no idea how much a pound is.

Being a former fatty myself (215 - I could eat an entire bag of chips and woof down a twinkie), I know how those women got fat. It's a combination of lack of money, lack of time, lack of motivation and environment.

And, this is part is not directed at you, but why is it that people always associated women with being fat? A woman can be 20lbs. overweight and she's a heifer but a guy can be morbidly obese and still be referred to as "big boned". WTF?

7:55 PM  
Blogger Seven said...

Easy, it's a cultural bias. I don't mention men because I am aware only of women as gaze objects and objects of approach. However I am observant of obese men with the giant pot bellies that appear they need their children or wives to tie their shoes. I don't mean to offend. Many people that I treasure and absoultely adore are overweight, some more than just overweight.
I think it might take a very long post to explain myself as I appear to have offended unintentionally; but am no less guity as a result.
In a philosophical manner I tie it in with some spiritual values, and like I say it will take an inordinately long post to explain that. Yes, men are fat too, I just don't have a visual interest in them.
Peace and Hugs.

11:00 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

You could post about sex tips from car salesmen.

As far as the link between obesity and poverty in the US goes, it occurs for the reasons you mentioned. People who are indigent will naturally seek out more calories for their dollar, for they know that if they consume what's less affordable, they'll be very hungry.

There's actually been a lot of study about that question. There are other factors as well, especially for working poor. Then there's stress, etc..

But if you wanted to eliminate hunger in the world, it could be done. Problem is no one would want to do it. It would mean a redistribution of wealth, repossession of natural assets by third world host countries, changes in our own diets, and debt relief.

2:50 AM  
Blogger Cherry! said...

I don't pay attention to food prices here because I don't pay for my food it's part of my pay. But in australia it's def like that!!

3:48 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

7 - No offense was taken. I just wanted to represent that I understand how women end up in this situation and that I, personally, understand how hard it is to correct it.

And the comment about men wasn't directed at you but rather at a cultural difference that has obtained my attention recently. It seems that even women are a little more forgiving of a few extra pounds on a man but less forgiving of it on another woman. The bias interested me.

I am however, glad that you have no visual interest in men regardless of their body type. Keep trying to make eye contact. I'm interested to see how it works for you. :P

Much Love

7:08 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

X - Sex tips FROM car salesmen actually sounds more like a horror story.

Your theory does explain why there seems to be much talk about the problem but little interest in an actual solution other than reinforcing the statement of "eat less and exercise more".

Cherry - Lucky you! Yummy Italian food free of charge. I'd venture to guess that most developed nations have this same issue.

7:11 AM  
Blogger madameplushbottom said...

Oh Angie - where have I been not reading your posts for all these months. You are a woman after my own heart! Last time I went to Whole Foods I had to borrow money from my mom. They wanted $10.99 for a pound of organic lunch meat. Good lord - I can buy at least three meals from any drive through for that price.

If you solve this mystery - let me know. The first pound of hydroponic tomatoes will be on me!

9:39 PM  

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