Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Ok, guys. You were pretty sure we had the ability to do it. You've wondered if it's ever happened to you. And you finally figured out how to use technology to prove it.

I don't know how I missed participating in this study. Wait, yeah I do. You had to provide your own partner. Dutch researchers used a scan to study brain activity during orgasm. It seems that large portions of a woman's brain shut down during orgasm, including those controlling movement. Meaning when we moan out your name and dig our fingernails into your back it's sub-conscious and involuntary. (To the men whose heads I've almost crushed between my legs while they were 'south of the border'...I told you it was involuntary!!). It also explains why women need a few seconds of down time afterward. Our brains have to switch back over voluntary control. Maybe that's why we like to cuddle afterward??

The participants were then asked to fake orgasm. The portion of the brain that controls movement lit up like a Christmas tree on the scan showing that the woman was thinking about what she was doing. Voila! Your proof finally in hand.

It still doesn't mean you'll be able to tell when it happens to you. But, as the portion of the brain that controls voluntary movement deactives during a real orgasm, if she jumps up and starts washing dishes immediately probably have an Academy award winner on your hands.

For the record, no I haven't....ever. And I won't either. I figure if you can only hit a grounder to center field, I shouldn’t have to score it as a home run. Besides, after a while you’ll think you’re always hitting home runs when you’re really striking out at the plate.

As an aside, the study also determined that men must know they will be physically stimulated in order to orgasm. They needed a study to determine this???


Blogger X. Dell said...

A groom carries his wife over the threshhold. She sees the CAT scan machine, and says, "Honey, what's that for?"

So women's brains shut down during orgasm? That would explain a lot.

I know. You can insert your joke about men pretty much anywhere.

12:32 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

X - I had the same thought...a home version! Although, high tech radiology is being used as the new 'lie detector device'. Turns out it's much more accurate. In other words, be careful what you wish for. :P

Yes, it shuts down but not completely. Although, the portion that controls memory shuts down...but I still don't think trying the "Honey, you had 12 orgasms. I'm super-stud" will work. It doesn't stay down that long. :)

6:47 AM  
Blogger Grant said...

So there is a way to tell if a woman is faking. Now they need to conduct a study to indicate why men should care.

10:20 AM  
Blogger Seven said...

Ha, I knew it.
I knew it!
I knew it!
When that f-buddy of mine was drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes while we did 'doggie style', I KNEW she was faking.
I knew it! Thanks Angie.

I used to have a girlfriend that every orgasm went through the exact same monologue..I swear it's true. Never varied.
Oh....Oh God...I'm coming...Oh, Seven...Oh Seven....come on Seven....
I always felt like she was throwing dice in Vegas. :p

10:34 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

GRANT!!! Everyone in the office is listening to me laughing! I want to see the study on why should we care!! Of course if my wife sees this, I think I'll know why....

11:26 AM  
Blogger Rick said...

Uh, thank you m'am?

11:30 AM  
Blogger Monogram Queen said...

I'd like to see a way for a man to "fake it".
LMAO at Seven and Grant. You guys are too much sometimes!

2:16 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

Grant - I wondered about that. I thought maybe, being female, that I just didn't understand the male mindset.

7 - c'mon I can't ever find enough brain cells to verbalize during it. I just moan. Ok...very loudly but it's still just a moan.

Gary - Ummm, I dunno. I take the mindset that if you can't speak up say "honey, that ain't working" then you're pretty much on your own.
Rick - Awww, c'mon Rick...

2:22 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

Cakes - Supposedly men can do it. I never quite figured out how that works. I'm sure it's never happened to me. Well, pretty sure. :)

2:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Angie - LOL I was just sitting at my desk when I read Grant's comment and I just started laughing so hard that people came in the office to see what I was laughing about (I'm not one that normally laughs out loud at what I'm reading... it just struck me as funny!

I agree.. don't fake it. Either it works or it don't...

12:28 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Huh? The brain is involved?

2:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i knew it, the women i was with weren't really passed out, they were having orgasms. now i feel much better. ;)

10:30 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

Gary - You didn't have to explain what you were laughing about, did ya? *giggles*

SJ - I know...who knew?!!

JD - yep, hon. Just keep believin' that.

11:12 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

lol great post. So where do we be buying these little brain electrode thingies anyway? lol

I slapped a guy during orgasm once, didn't believe him til I saw the red telltale sign. I told him he was just lucky I didn't have my hand balled into a fist at that time lol

3:52 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

Lisa - slapped him?!! you have the best stories!

8:52 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Alex has a permanent scar on his chest that has become fainter with time but is still there two years later from one of those "involuntary reactions." I swear I don't remember doing it at the time.

And I'm with you on the orgasm faking. If I fake it, then I DO NOT GET AN ORGASM. What the hell? Why fake it then?

5:53 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

Kira - Exactly!! It's like eating a twinkie but passing on the creme filling! WTF?!

Poor Alex...the things you do to him!

8:39 PM  

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