Friday, October 06, 2006

Let's Get It On

I'm leaving this afternoon to spend a weekend of debauchery with Micki in South Georgia. There will be alcohol and another concert involved. Mommas lock up your sons.

I'm getting bored with blogging about my dating life all the time...and I'm sure ya'll are tired of hearing it too. I've noticed that I have a pretty good mix between male and female, married and single readers. This mix usually promotes a fairly good discussion highlighting the differences between how men and women not only perceive subjects but also how they communicate. Keeping this in mind, I've decided to spice my blog up a bit. Friday's will officially become Let's Get It On Day with topics devoted to getting it on. *Note, words will be "coded" as much as possible to attempt to fool the totalitarian IT regime at some of your workplaces. I'm not looking to turn this into a s*x blog but rather a discussion between the sexes about things you've always wondered about....why does your guy roll over and snooze immediately after wild monkey sessions?, do women really find p*rn videos disgusting?, etc......

Let me know what you think of this and if you'd find it interesting. I've got a few topics in mind to start off but feel free to submit subjects for discussion...a smutty version of random question day, if you will. I'll answer in a future post and open the issue for discussion. And, just a note to the person who emailed me a few weeks ago to declare their fetish about the anesthesia given at the dentist's office....please seek help, you scare me.


Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Oh, I've got LOTS of questions and theories on the difference between the sexes!

I think it's an EXCELLENT never hurts to learn something new about the opposite sex (as if we'll ever understand them anyway!!!) ;)

(Just kidding, guys....just kidding...;)

Have a great time this weekend! :)

10:09 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

PQ - Shew! I was afraid everyone would think I'd lost my mind. I find a solve a lot of life's little mysteries about the opposite sex just by asking questions. I'm hoping this will be fun. Thanks for the feedback!

10:18 AM  
Blogger Monogram Queen said...

I think it's an awesome idea Ang.
Well I can't answer why men roll over and snooze after a wild monkey session but I can say that THIS woman does not find porn disgusting. At.All.
Have a great week-end with your friend! We want pics :)

10:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I could use some help in understanding women... With 4 in the household now.. I really don't ever have a chance of being "right" again, but i would at least like to understand why I'm always "wrong"... :) Sounds good!

11:15 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

Cakes - Couldn't agree with you more and I think the woman/porn myth will be the first post. Thanks!

Gary - It sounds like you'll always be outnumbered regardless of whether you're "right" or "wrong". Maybe knowledge will bring you power?!

11:46 AM  
Blogger Memphis said...

It sounds like a much nicer version of Fuck You Friday. I like it!

12:36 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

Steve - Yep, this is the smooooooooth and mellow version :P I'll be interested to hear your insights.

1:58 PM  
Blogger Grant said...

Sounds great.

Do me a favor. Would you let your readers know the anesthesia thing was NOT me (I don't think - even I don't pay attention to half of what I say). Everyone who knows me knows I lust after my dentist, but it's the DENTIST I find hot. The drugs are fun, but they don't turn me on.

3:31 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

If this is something that interests you, then go ahead with it. That's what blogging is for. We'll simply respond the best we can.

4:04 PM  
Blogger TammyJ said...


I think it is a great idea.. I don't mind however, hearing about your dating life.. you tolerate me and my hubby's mushiness..

As for men rolling over and snoozing.. yeah.. we are that good but there is a real physical reason they do this as well.. as far as the video thing.. I personally am not disgusted by them.. most of the time I am too busy laughing at them to be grossed out.. there is one however that was really interesting and OMGosh even had a plot.. if ya want to know just e mail me I'll tell ya what it is..

Take Care

6:53 PM  
Blogger Seven said...

Rows and rows of cans of worms, waiting for Storms to push them over. Let the wars begin.

1:05 PM  
Blogger xwy said...


X - That's what I like about easy going...

Tammy - Ooooooo, I'll email you about that & tell you about one of my faves. Well, in a little while, I'm currently nursing a hang over.

7 - know me...if there's a can, I will kick it!

2:41 PM  
Blogger Retro Girl said...

I agree---good will be fun, interesting and insightful I think, to unravel the mysteries, hear other opinions, ideas, anecdotes, etc...about life, love, sex, relationships...all that mushy, gooey, hot buttered stuff LMBO :-)

9:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Excellent idea. Lets get it on.

lol@Mommas lock up your sons. Somehow I can't put you and scary in one thought :)

11:01 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

What a great idea, I love it! I'll be here on Fridays cutting and pasting and taking notes.

Please be sure to send us all the key to your coded words so we can make sure we know what bits and pieces you're referring to ok? lol

5:23 AM  
Blogger Kira said...

Oh hell yah, I'll participate in that sort of discussion any day of the week. My problem is that when I answer, I am not sure how well I'll manage to not be blunt about it. I'm not good at using code ;)

I read somewhere that after orgasm, men release a hormone that makes them sleepy whereas women typically release a hormone that makes them more alert. Hence you have that awful situation of the woman sitting in bed, wanting more, that IT??? while the man snores away!

5:33 PM  

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