Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Body Betrayal

I turned 35 last year, as most of you know. I remember waking up that morning and thinking that I didn't feel much different than I had before I had fallen asleep that night. As the year wore on, I started to notice the subtle and not-so-subtle differences. I could deal with the few stray gray hairs and the fine lines around my eyes and mouth but suddenly clothes that I had just purchased ceased to fit. No matter how much I worked out, no matter how little I ate...the pounds appeared out of thin air. I joined the gym thinking that my hour long kickboxing sessions were no longer going to cut it. I lost a pound or 2 and then nothing....for six months. WTF? Apparently, I woke up on the morning of my birthday but my metabolism stayed in bed...permanently. I had always heard that it was harder to lose weight the older you became but no one ever warned me that it happened overnight.

I stopped going to the gym at some point last month. Oh, I'd stop by about once a week and act like I was working out but my heart wasn't in it. I'd find one excuse and then another to avoid the place for the remainder of the week. Busy holiday schedule, you know. I was disillusioned. I mean why sweat for an hour if it's not making a difference?

Finally, I threw my hands in the air and gave up. Obviously, I had a choice to make...get fat or beg for help. So I begged. Well, actually I handed over a wad of my hard earned money and hired a dietician. Turns out that my years of dieting had taught me pretty much nothing. I was doing everything wrong. Working out too hard, not eating the right portions or the right foods. I mean baked potato chips are great but it's hardly diet food if you sit down with the entire bag. Yeah, I ate salad but when you put 2 tablespoons of salad dressing on it at 15 grams of fat each...well, I could have had a Big Mac. How did I go all these years without knowing (or at the very least realizing) this stuff? And why is there not a mandatory class when you turn 35 to warn you about the betrayal your body is about to hand you????????????


Blogger X. Dell said...

You're still kind of a whippersnapper at thirty-five, but I understand what you mean. The body changes seem kinda cruel, even worse than adolescence. At least during adolescence you were becoming more of an adult, which meant more privliges (sp?).

As for me, I still feel almost the same as when I was a teenager, but the body doesn't respond like it used to. For example, when running after the bus last week, I felt a curious pain in my left ankle. I didn't know what it was. I was completely unaware that I had injured myself. Although, I probably didn't it was just my ankle's way of telling me to slow down.

And then with the arthritis (for a musician that's almost too much!).

As far as you're concerned, you have a very beautiful face. A couple of creases would only add character. As far as everything else goes, perhaps your body's good health is the main priority, not the weight.

And never forget that your sexiest attribute is your intellect.

10:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That just further dissuaded me from going to a gym. Thanks.

I agree with X you are a whippersnapper I am sure that means something nice :)

I turned 30 last year. I didn't sleep that night - was out drinking and dancing till 3 AM you should try that. That way you don't wake up to find things different :)

12:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

41 here...back and knees hurt... hair is becoming Gray quick! but at least it's not falling out.

I'm thankful that right now...the weight is holding steady...

12:39 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

X - I think they revoke my whippersnapper status next week...Tuesday to be exact. And I agree, the arthritis and little aches & pains are aggrevating. It's cruel that the body slows down just as the mind hits its prime. Although, I think the ankle pain was your foot's way of saying you had on the wrong shoes to be running after a bus. lol.

tyvm for the compliments. I can always count on you to keep me in perspective. ;)

SJ - Whippersnapper is X's way of reminding me that I'm stll younger than And the last time I tried your method of celebrating I would up with a severely injured foot and no recollection of how it happened!

Gary - I'm sure that chasing after your girls keeps you in shape. I, however, became very lazy in my old age. lol. Lesson learned! And if it makes you feel any better...gray hair on a man is very sexy!

8:35 AM  
Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

You have friggin' read my mind today. I turned 38 this year...and believe it or not, every damn year it gets harder and harder to lose the weight...believe me!!!

At least you're doing something about it...I think it's great you hired a dietician. I would LOVE to hire a personal trainer but I haven't the cash (or a Peanut King that would allow it, I might add). I'm thinking of having my jaws wired shut...but The PK probably would not appreciate that either. ;)

8:57 AM  
Blogger Seven said...

Good start and good attitude. Good luck!

11:25 AM  
Blogger Rick said...

Sorry, but the body betrayal thing gets even worse. It starts hurting itself more often and taking a hell of a lot longer to heal.

12:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i feel for you baby, been trying to lose the baby fat for years, and i never had a baby, sheesh. ;)

12:41 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

PQ - Ummm...yeah, the PK might mind your mouth being wired shut. Just a little. lol. I didn't have much of a choice in hiring the dietician. Turns out it's much cheaper than buying new clothes every few months!

7 - Thank you :) 3 pounds in 8 day! And I don't feel like I'm depriving myself. This just may work.

Rick - Thanks for stopping back by! I was afraid someone would say that. Not looking forward to it!

JD - I feel the same way, babe. At least if I had kids I'd have some excuse. Although according to my friends that excuse only lasts for about a year. I think we're way past that. lol. Thanks for stopping by, hon.

1:50 PM  
Blogger Monogram Queen said...

Hoo boy sister you are preaching to the choir here. I just hit FORTY wait til' THAT happens! Actually you won't have a bit of a problem at 40 Ang because you've already got a grip on it. Go girl!

3:43 PM  
Blogger Retro Girl said...

I could totally identify with you here! The metabolism really slows down as you get older. It's amazing how hard it is to lose just 5 lbs!!

It's hard when mentally and emotionally you're staying at 25 and the rest just keeps going! It's so unfair!

Well, no matter what, you look pretty good for 35 that's for sure!

Would enjoy hearing more about the dietician's revelations...

5:45 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Oh my body betrayed me years ago, I've got used to it now (the other thing about age, is that you get better at lying. haha)

How interesting that after all those years of knowing what to eat and what not to, you didn't actually REALLY know? Reading that made me shudder about what I've been putting in MY mouth lol

And there are no classes to educate you about this have to rely on older people (such as me *sigh*) to fill you in. And saying that, I wouldn't listen to anything I told you about diets, I've been losing that battle (and my marbles) for years now!

(Incidentally, you're making me feel all inspired with the dietitian etc now lol.)

2:40 AM  
Blogger TammyJ said...


Welcome back from your blog vacation.. good to see ya girl.. and take comfort that you are only 35.. I will be 39 for the first time this year.. how much does that suck..

Take Care

12:16 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

Cakes - Believe's not a tight grip. I'm sure I'll be hanging on my a pinky come 40!

RG - TY! Basically, the dieticians revelation was to make better choices (fruits, veggies, whole wheat, lean protein) and in smaller portions.

Lisa - Your wise advice is always appreciated! Besides, I lost my marbles years ago so we're on the same page!

Tammy - While I groan every time I think about my age....think about where you were mentally, physically, etc. 5 or 10 years ago. I have to admit...I really do like myself much better now!

(Wow! Lisa was right...lying is easier! lol. jk.)

1:14 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

My metabolism died this last year. I think since the last time you saw me, my food intake has not changed but I have put on about 15 lbs. I just started a diet last week. We'll see how it goes. If it doesn't work out right, dietician here I come!

10:54 PM  

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