Sunday, February 18, 2007

Empowerment by Panties

I haven't been feeling very confident lately. I've always been rather shy and any depletion of my confidence usually sends me into withdrawal until I feel safe to step out of my comfort zone again. Evidently my little excursion into my cave of solitude had been noticed by one of my dearest male friends.

"You need new panties."
"Excuse me?" I said giggling
"You've lost your confidence. You need new lingerie...bras, panties..."
"And this will return my confidence?" I was still giggling at the absurdity of his suggestion.
"Yes. You need to go shopping tomorrow. Whatever you buy it has to make you feel sexy every time you put it on."

I thought he'd finally lost his mind. A new bra was supposed to return my confidence? Had he ever worn a bra????????? They're not exactly the most comfortable thing you can wear. The usual rule of thumb is the sexier the bra the more uncomfortable it is. I'm much more myself
in something comfortable. I didn't have to say it out loud. I knew his response would be that that was exactly his point. So, shopping I went.

It's amazing what shopping for sexy lingerie can do for one's psyche. As I selected my bounty and headed for the dressing room I noticed a bounce in my step. My mojo was making a come back. By the time I hit the check-out I was in full blown "all that and a bag of chips" mode. I even laughed and winked at the sales woman when she joked that I evidently had some hot plans.

My friend was right. I'm not sure if it's the feel of the silk against my skin or the secret knowledge that what lies beneath these jeans is not just a pair of plain jane cotton panties but rather full fledged satin and lace with matching bra to boot. Whatever it is, my confidence has made a triumphant return. I even walk with more confidence...or maybe that's just the fact that the girls are cinched up to my nose. No matter. Perception is reality and if a little lace does the trick...then so be it.

*A big *smooch* and my undying gratitude to my friend for knowing my confidence was there the whole time and pointing me in the right direction.


Blogger Unknown said...

Ah I always learn a lot from your blog :)

What size... I mean ... errr... is it snowing there?

3:14 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

SJ -lol...don't you know that size doesn't matter????????? ;) That's why I'm here, educate you on the mysteries pertaining to the female of the species.

7:44 AM  
Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Well, I know what I'm doing this weekend. SHOPPING! ;)

Thanks for the tip! ;)

7:57 AM  
Blogger Rick said...

Pictures, dammit, PICTURES! (Just to re-affirm your newfound confidence, you understand.)

11:41 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

PQ - I never really put much stock in body image but evidently positive body image results in positive mental image as well. Who knew?? Between your shopping goodies and the new red 'do you may send the PK over the edge!!

Rick - You know...I figured SJ would be the one requesting pics. lol. Sorry, you'll have to rely on your own mental images! :)

11:48 AM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

(1) Hmm. The next time I'm down on my confindence, I guess I'll head to Victoria's Secret to pick up some lingerie.

(2) This friend didn't ask to inspect your purchase did he? If he did, your shopping must have improved his confidence.

9:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

brilliant. so glad it worked. :) would love to see the pics too. hmmm, i find a strong, confident woman very very sexy. :) great post hon.

11:18 PM  
Blogger xwy said...

X - (1) Let me know if has the same effect. ;) (2) fashion show either. My shopping bounty was for my eyes only (sadly, lol)

JD - Pics? I'm surprised you didn't ask for a private fashion show. lol. Turns out, I find a strong woman sexy too. ;)
(get your minds out of the gutter...I'm referring to me..sheesh!)

9:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

C says she goes on Panty Runs with her friends all the time.....

I personally will take you out for a panty run if you will model... but if not I think I'll just stay home..

shopping has the opposite affect on me...

11:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

okay, i want a private fashion show and i'm going to ignore your last statement and enjoy these visions of you and another sexy strong woman. mmmmmmmmmm. ;)

6:53 AM  
Blogger xwy said...

Gary - I'm sure C would have something to say about that offer, lol. I had a conversation about the shopping thing the other day. My boss & I both went shopping over the weekend, bought nothing but had a blast. It's a phenomenon that's completely lost on men. :)

JD - Fantasize to your heart's content, hon. It stimulates your creativity. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

7:53 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

oh i will, hehe. ;)

12:41 PM  
Blogger Seven said...

Do you by chance recall my post on HNT Texas about a date being conducted under such shopping scenarios? You rekindled my memories with this one.

11:57 AM  

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