My butt hurts. Well, actually my glutes hurt. As do my thighs. No, not from wild monkey sex (ahhh, wild monkey sex.....what's that like? I've forgotten). I worked out with one of the trainers last night. She developed a new workout routine for me and as we talked she mentioned that she thought I was working out too hard. Then we ran through the new routine. I don't quite know how to tell her that the old workout was a piece of cake compared to this one. I mean...a Romanian Deadlift??????? It even sounds hard. My muscles ache and I only did 1 set of the new exercises. Someone get the Advil. Please.
Please.Stop.Head Exploding. This whole Anna Nicole/Britany Spears media circus is frying my brain. As much as I try to avoid it, everytime I turn on the TV or check a news website it's the lead story. Do we not have enough drama in our own daily lives that we have to thrive on someone else's? For once, could we just...for a minute...not care about the probate matters or shaved heads of celebrities? For 3 or 4 seconds......please.....could we focus on a real issue?
1st Beaver spotted in NYC in over 200 years. Ok, make your own jokes.
The issue in Texas regarding parents who are upset about the HPV vaccine mandate because they either (a) don't want to (or don't know how to) talk to their kids about sex or (b) think it will give their kids free reign to have sex made me wonder...Why are so reluctant to talk to kids about sex? It's not like they aren't going to do it if we don't tell them about it. I remember my mom's version of "the talk" consisted of handing me a book. I could make a list of all the things I had to learn about sex on my own (that didn't come out right. lol). Wouldn't it be nice to put some actual facts in their head before they go down that road?
I think I'm done rambling. Have a great weekend!