But Where Will I Find the Boots?
What do you think? C'mon guys....wouldn't you want to date a girl who sleeps in Wonder Woman underoos?
My life, my thoughts and the funny things that happen along the way
Needless to say, I didn't want to come back. If you had this view from your house everyday would you want to come back to reality?
Vacation was great. I forgot what it was like to get sand in certain areas of my bathing suit (yeck) but otherwise I loved my week at the beach. As usual. I don't know why I just don't give it up and move down there. Playing in the water. Picking up sea shells. Fish nibbling at your toes. Watching hot, young studs stroll along the sand. Ahhhhh......
I did figure out one thing while I was there. I will never...EVER...date a man who can't pick up after himself. I am not your Momma. You can take your empty Coke can and half-eaten bologna sandwich to the garbage just as easily as I can. Sheesh.